lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

How to create a flowchart.

Flow charts are a way to visually represent the flow of data through information processing systems. Flow charts describe how and in what sequence operations required to solve a given problem.

Rules for creating diagrams
1. Flow charts should be written from top to bottom, and / or left to right.

2. The symbols are joined with lines, which are at the tip an arrow indicating the direction in which information flows of processes should use only horizontal lines or vertical flow (never diagonals).

3. Avoid crossing lines, though to separate the flow diagram to a different site, can be performed using the connectors. Keep in mind that only connectors be used when strictly necessary.

4. There should be no flow lines connecting

5. All written text within a symbol must be legible, accurate, avoiding the use of many words.

6. All symbols may have more than one input line, except the final symbol.

7. Only the symbols decision can and should have more than one line of output stream.

Plot overview:
Suma is the variable to which you will add the value of the calendar number. N, is the counter. This will tour the numbers to the numbers until 50.

The first block indicates the start of the flowchart.

The second block is a symbol of processes.

In this block it is assumed that the variables sum and N have been previously declared and initialized to 0 to start the count and the sum of value.

The third block is also a symbol of processes.

In this step the variable increases by 1 N (N = N + 1). Therefore, in the first
this past worth N 1, since it was initialized to 0.

The fourth block is exactly the same as above.

But in this, as it adds the value of N to the variable that will contain the sum (in
the first case contain 1 because N = 1).

The fifth block is a symbol of Decision Making and Branching.

What's inside the box is a question that is being done on the values
currently influence the process Is N = 50 ?, the answer is obviously no longer
N still is 1 so that the flow of our program will be made ​​part
where the word is not observed: Third Block, it will add one (N = N + 1) and
will get back to this block, where he asks Is N = 50? ... No !, still is 2,
Third block and returns to do the same again, and so on up to 50, thus obtaining the sum of the first 50 natural numbers first

Finally we indicate that the result will be displayed on the printer.

End of program (or diagram).

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