lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Sacred Cenote - Yucatan Chichen Itza

Cenote Sagrado - Chichén Itzá Yucatán 

The sacred cenote is located north of the Pyramid of Kukulcan at the archaeological site of Chichen Itza, with 60 meters in diameter is fully open, 15 meters separating the water surface and is roped off to prevent people from getting too close to shore.

The Mayans who inhabited what used to make religious sacrifices as a tribute to their gods, besides also thrown pottery and jewelry background while performing the ritual.Over the years it has been dredged to recover pottery, human bones, jade jewelry, copper and other materials. On the shore it is still a platform where it is believed that from there the maidens were thrown.

Because of its cultural value and its form, this is just a cenote that you can admire and enjoy while doing his tour of the archaeological site. 

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